Year 4 Multiplication Check
Please find information below about the Multiplication Check for Year 4 pupils, from our previous parents meetings.
The check takes place in early June for all Year 4 pupils and your child's teacher will have been in regular contact with you with regards to the time tables your child needs to practice.
Please encourage them to practice for 5-10 minutes daily on TT Rockstars, there are often class and year group competitions and this regular practice will really improve your child's knowledge.
Children can also achieve their Bronze ( 2,3,5,10 x) Silver (, Gold ( all up to 12.x.12) and Platinum ( including Inverse and a very difficult timed test!) badges which are completed every half term and handed out in our Rainbow assemblies.
If you have any questions, please contact the school office through email or contact Mrs Dykes or any of the Lower Junior teaching staff through the Class Dojo app.