Welcome to our Governors’ section.
Please find below details of how our Governing body is structured, including the names, categories, responsibilities and terms of appointment for each Governor.
Governors Name | Category of Governor | Date of Appointment | Term of Office |
Mr Christopher Allen
| Parent | 05/02/2018 | 04/02/2026 |
Mrs Angela Anderson (Chairperson)
| LA Appointed | 20/01/2015 | 19/01/2027 |
Mrs Pamela Atkins-Jones
| Parent | 17/11/2023 | 16/11/2027 |
Mrs Karen Bonnette | Parent | 01/01/2022 |
Mrs Caroline Dykes
| Co-opted | 26/09/2017 | 25/09/2028 |
Mr Nick Huxley
| Headteacher | 01/09/2012 | 31/08/2028 |
Mrs Sue Kerrigan
| Co-opted | 17/11/2016 | 16/11/2028 |
Mrs Janice May
| Co-opted | 20/01/2015 | 19/01/2027 |
Mr Damian Parker
| Parent | 29/11/2024 | 28/11/2028 |
Miss Julie Peake
| Staff | 01/05/2023 | 30/04/2027 |
Mrs Dalya Perry-Bernstein | Parent | 02/10/2020 |
Mrs Christine Rostron
| Co-opted | 20/01/2015 | 19/01/2027 |
Mrs Christina Thornton
| Co-opted
| 03/03/2016 | 02/03/2028 |
Mrs Marie Underwood
| Parent | 30/04/2021 | 29/04/2025 |
Information about our Governors Register of Interests
Christopher Allen Spouse | Sophie Allen School Administrator |
Angela Anderson | Trustee Pavilion Pre School Aughton |
Julie Peake | Teacher Aughton Town Green Primary |
Resources Committee
(Finance, Premises and Personnel)
Mrs A Anderson |
Mrs C Dykes |
Mr N Huxley |
Mrs S Kerrigan |
Mrs J May |
Mrs D Perry-Bernstein |
Mrs C Rostron |
Mrs C Thornton |
Mrs M Underwood |
Standards and Curriculum Committee
Mrs A Anderson |
Mr C Allen |
Mrs K Bonnette |
Mrs C Dykes |
Mr N Huxley |
Miss J Peake |
Mrs C Thornton (Chairperson) |
Grievance/Complaints Committee
Mrs S Kerrigan |
Mrs C Rostron |
Mrs M Underwood |
Pay Committee
Mrs P Atkins-Jones |
Mrs D Perry-Bernstein |
Mrs C Rostron |
Mrs M Underwood |
Pay Appeals
Mrs A Anderson |
Staff Discipline/Dismissal Committee(inc Staff Attendance)/Pupil Discipline Committee
Mrs S Kerrigan |
Mrs C Rostron |
Mrs M Underwood |
Target Setting Committee
Mrs C Rostron |
Staff Appointments Committee
Mrs A Anderson |
Mrs C Dykes |
Mrs C Rostron |
Mrs C Thornton |
Headteacher Performance Management Committee
Mrs A Anderson |
Mrs C Thornton |
Mrs S Kerrigan |
Nominated Governors List
Subject Area | Nominated Link Governor |
Training Link | Sue Kerrigan |
Child Protection/Safeguarding | Angela Anderson |
Health & Safety/Educational Visits | |
English/MFL | Tina Thornton |
Mathematics | Angela Anderson |
Computing/Online Safety/Social Media | Dalya Perry-Bernstein |
Science/D&T | Chris Allen |
EYFS | Janice May |
SEN/Inclusion/More Able | Tina Thornton |
History/Geography | Sue Kerrigan |
PSHE (pupil voice)/RE/Well Being | Karen Bonnette |
Music/Art/PE | Marie Underwood |