Class Dojo
Aughton Town Green Primary school is proud to be a Class Dojo school!
As a parent of a child at Town Green, we use Class Dojo as an effective tool to share your child's achievements and successes!
You are also able to keep in touch with your child's class teacher, Mrs Dykes, Deputy Head and Mr Huxley, Headteacher through the messaging service.
Class Dojo is a secure way for us to share important information and child's work, homework and other achievements can be uploaded.
For our new Reception intake and any new starters, please find links below to useful videos to help you set up Class Dojo on your phone or smart device. All we need is your email address where the link will be sent.
Mrs Dykes is our Whole School Class Dojo lead so please get in touch with her through Class Dojo or through the school office if you have any questions or need support with Class Dojo.
Connecting as a Parent on the web: a ClassDojo tutorial for families
Connecting as a Parent on mobile: a ClassDojo tutorial for families
Both of these videos are really helpful in finding out how to set up your account.