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Welcome to Aughton Town Green Primary School Only My Best Is Good Enough For Me

Chestnut Class - Year 3

Meet the Teacher presentation

Welcome to Chestnut Class


Welcome to Chestnut Class and Year 3! Mrs Peel teaches us on a Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday.  Mrs Dykes teaches us on a Thursday.  Mrs Fisher-Jones also works in our class every morning and on a Tuesday afternoon.   


This is what we will be learning about in the Summer term.


English –  We will reading 101 Dalmatians and working towards writing our own stories.  We will also be writing explanation texts based on inventions and reading some poetry.


Maths – We will be busy continuing our new maths scheme 'Red Rose maths' which will encourage the children to develop their problem solving skills.  Times tables are also really important in the lower juniors.  By the end of Year 3 we need to know our 2,3,4,5,8 and 10 times tables within 6 seconds and we will continue working towards this during the Spring term.  


Science – Our topic for this half term is 'light' and we will be sources of light and how shadows are created and can change. 


Geography and History  - Our History Topic this half term is The Romans.


Music – We will be continuing to apply our glockenspeil skills to a song.


PE – PE is on Mondays and Tuesdays.  


RE - Mrs Houghton will be teaching us RE on a Tuesday afternoon.  


PHSE - We will be learning about our changes in our lives.


Spanish - On Wednesdays, we enjoy learning Spanish with Mrs Culshaw.


 Homework /reading/spellings 

Reading regularly with your child is so important and links to all areas of learning. Please listen to your child 5 times a week and record in the reading record book. 


Times tables - Please continue practising on the Times Table Rockstars website at home.  This will really help to improve their times tables knowledge.  Mr Huxley will be continuing to visit us regularly with stickers for those children who have completed 20 minutes practise in a week. 


Spellings - Spellings will be set on Fridays for a test the following Friday. This will link to the spelling pattern taught in the spelling lessons in class.



