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Welcome to Aughton Town Green Primary School Only My Best Is Good Enough For Me

School Residentials

School residentials are an important part of our Enrichment programme at Aughton Town Green Primary School. 

We offer 2 school residential trips to our Upper Junior pupils.

In Year 5, our pupils attend the Anderton Centre in Chorley, where they spend 2 days, including an overnight stay, taking part in outdoor activities, with a land and water based theme. This visit links closely with our Forest School provision and is a great opportunity for pupils to have their first experience away from home. 

The video below shows the centre and the opportunities our pupils have when visiting.


In Year 6, at the end of the Summer Term, our pupils attend Min y Don Adventure Centre for a 5 day, 4 night trip. The children get to experience such a wide range of activities, such as hiking, canoeing, orienteering to name a few. 

