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Welcome to Aughton Town Green Primary School Only My Best Is Good Enough For Me

Magnolia Class - Year 1

Our teachers are Mrs Parker (Monday, Tuesday) and Mrs Eastham (Wednesday, Thursday and Friday) and our teaching assistant is Mrs Clarke. Mrs Houghton works in our class every Monday for the last part of the afternoon and first thing on Wednesday morning. Mrs Rodden will look after us at lunch time.


We are looking forward to our Spring term in Year 1. We will be learning about...


Maths: We start our day with maths and follow the Red Rose Maths Scheme. Our units for this term include Place Value, mass, shape, money, multiplication and division. After half term we will be working on length and mass, addition and subtraction, fractions, position and direction and time. We will also have our Mastering Number session each morning where we practise our number skills to be quick and flexible in our thinking!

Phonics: We will be continuing our phonics scheme, Little Wandle, and we will have daily phonics sessions using this scheme. We are learning lots of new Phase 5 sounds and matching them to the Phase 3 sound we learnt in Reception e.g. ai can also be ay. We will continue to practise reading and spelling our tricky words every day.

English: We are immersing ourselves in all things Pirate! Oooooh aaaar! We will learn lots of exciting new vocabulary and work on both fiction and non-fiction texts starting with the story ‘The Pirates Next Door’ by Jonny Duddle.

Science: This term, we will be learning about materials and their properties. We will investigate materials that are useful for different purposes. We will also reflect on the changing seasons as we move from the depths of winter to the first signs of spring.

Geography: In the first half term, we will be learning about the parts of the globe and then comparing where we live to a locality in Borneo.

Religion: We will be learning about Islam and why Muslims believe it is important to obey God.

Music: we will be exploring sounds and finding the beat.

Computing: We are learning all about programming and how to move a robot.

Art: We are working with textiles and hope to create our very own pirate flag!

PSHE: We are thinking about our health and well-being. Then we will move onto taking about safety and our changing bodies.

PE: Our PE days are Wednesdays and Fridays. The children can come to school dressed in their PE kits on these days and wear Velcro trainers. They will leave their pumps in school to change into when doing PE in the hall. Please choose shorts or jogging bottoms to suit the ever-changing British weather! We will be practising our fundamental skills and applying them in invasion games.


Things your child needs to bring to school every day:

Water bottle

Fresh fruit snack (please label the tub or bag if bringing one)

A waterproof coat


If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to speak to us.




Tricky Words
