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Welcome to Aughton Town Green Primary School Only My Best Is Good Enough For Me

Rowan Class - Year 5

Meet The Teacher - Rowan 2023

Welcome to Class Rowan


Our teacher is Miss Hayes and we get TA support from Mrs Allinson. Mrs Houghton will be teaching us on a Friday. 


Being in Y5 means we have certain responsibilities and we are expected to set an amazing example to the younger children. We will always put 100% into every piece of work we do and be excellent role models. We are always very busy in class and are looking forward to a new year at Aughton Town Green. 


Take a look at some of the work we will be completing during the Summer Term: 


English - We read every day. Sometimes we read independently and other times we read as a class in whole class Guided Reading Sessions.  We also work on our spelling and grammar skills. We are starting the term by reading the classic text 'A Little Princess' focusing on how writers portray villains in stories before moving onto to create our own villain for our own version of the story. 


Maths - We enjoy applying our mathematical knowledge and skills to challenges and investigations. Throughout the year there will be a big emphasis on reasoning and mental arithmetic. 


Science - Our topic for this half term will be 'Evolution & Inheritance'. 


Art- Our Art topic is 'Survival' where we will be investigating images of animals in camouflage and looking at the work of Caroline Bletsis, Art Wolfe, Abbot H. Thayer and Bev DooLittle who are particularly well known for their camouflaged images of animals.


Computing - We will begin this term studying the unit 'Variables In Games'. In this unit we will become familiar with the software 'Scratch'. 


PE - On Thursdays, we will be developing our Gymnastic skills through the study of different ways of travelling using various types of apparatus. On Fridays our focus is Athletics and Swimming. We will come to school wearing our PE kits on both days and bring our swimming kits with us on a Friday.


Music - We will be studying the genre of soul/gospel through study of the song 'Lean On Me. 


RE - We will be learning about Buddhism, continuing to focus on our key question which is, "Is life like a journey?"


PSHE - We will be thinking about 'Changes' and 'Health & Wellbeing'.


History - Our history unit will continue to focus on Ancient Greece. We will be learning about the Trojan Horse, what everyday life was like in Ancient Greece how evidence of the Ancient Greek's influence can be still be seen around the world today.


Important days to remember:


HOMEWORK-  set on Friday (Dojo).

Homework -  We will be completing:

* Reading - Try to read for at least 5 minutes every day. Record this in your Reading Record Books

* Maths - Practise your x-tables on T.T.Rockstars weekly. X-tables come into so much of our Maths!

* Spelling - Complete the Spelling Test on Spelling Shed. Spellings will also be on the Dojo page.

* Topic - Details of your topic homework can be found on the Dojo page (different topic each week).


Homework completion dates and details about all homework can be found on the class Dojo page.


PE - Thursday and Friday (swimming).







Six Times Table Song! (Cover of CHEERLEADER by OMI)

Mr. DeMaio and friends cover the summer hit, Cheerleader by OMI, in this fun multiplication video that can be used to help you memorize your six times table! Have fun learning the 6's while singing along to your favorite song! Download this song at Music Composed by Mike DeMaio, Aaron Santoro, Mike Vadas, and Daniel Roberts.
