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Welcome to Aughton Town Green Primary School Only My Best Is Good Enough For Me

Sycamore Class - Year 4

Meet the Teacher PPT 2023

Welcome to the Sycamore webpage!


We are looking forward to all the exciting work we have planned for this school year.


Your class teacher is Mrs Ryder. Mrs Neimenyes and Mrs Bolland will be our TA's. Year 4 pupils will have Spanish on a Wednesday morning, building on the skills already learnt in Year 3 with Mrs Culshaw. On a Tuesday afternoon Schools Sports Partnership will teach PE and Mrs Houghton will teach RE.


Here is what we will be learning about this term.


English  - We will be reading '101 Dalmatians' and writing our own stories based on the plot. We will also be writing an explanation based on inventions and reading the poem Macavity: The mystery cat.


Maths  - We will continue with our new maths scheme 'Red Rose maths' which will encourage children to develop their problem solving skills. Your child will be taking part in the Multiplication Check In June 2024. It is very important that they practice their times tables nightly. We will be completing weekly times tables tests as well as working on TT Rockstars. To encourage children to practice and learn their tables we have a reward system. On completion of each award, children will be presented with a badge.

Bronze - 2,5,10,3 times tables

Silver - as bronze plus 4, 8 times tables

Gold - all facts up to 12x12

Platinum - all times tables and division facts to 12x12


History  -This term we will be looking at the Celtic leader Boudicca. Our enquiry question will be What were the consequences of Boudicca's resistance to the Romans?


Science - Our topic this term is Light, we will be looking at sources of light and how shadows can be created and changed.


Music - Year 4 will continue to learn how to play a brass instrument with a teacher from the Lancashire music service.


Art/DT - During the first half term we will be looking at Roman mosaics and having a go at creating our own.


PE -  The schools sports partnership will teach PE on a Tuesday and Mrs Ryder on a Wednesday. Remember to wear your PE kits to school every Tuesday and Wednesday.


PSHE - In PSHE we will be learning about changes.


RE- Mrs Houghton will be teaching RE on a Tuesday afternoon.


So what else do you need to know?





Reading with your child is so important and links to all areas of learning. Please listen to your child read and record in reading record books. Children can choose books from the class library to bring home. They will also be given a reading record which children must bring them in on a Wednesday so we can check on their reading.  We will be rewarding children who are reading at home. Children have been given a new reading challenge for this term. Children can collect raffle tickets for reading and a Waterstones gift card will be given to a lucky winner in a prize draw.



Online weekly spellings will be on spelling frame and dojo on a Friday ready for our test the following Friday. .  Although the spellings are on the spelling frame website not all words are available so please check dojo for the full list.


Times tables

Please encourage your children to learn their tables. They are encouraged to use TT Rock Stars and Maths Frame Multiplication check. Children will be shown how to use these in the first few weeks of term.


Thank you for all your support and hard work with your child at home. It really makes a difference.
