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Welcome to Aughton Town Green Primary School Only My Best Is Good Enough For Me

ATGPS 60th Celebrations

Our celebrations continued on Thursday 23rd and Friday 24th May 2024 with 2 fun days of events. Thursday saw the whole school celebrate with a disco party and fun activities throughout the day. Friday was our theme day - 'back to the 60's' and everyone embraced the theme with some amazing costumes and outfits - we even had a visit in Year 6 from the Beatles. We looked at the 60's through the day, had a street party lunch and ended with our whole school Rainbow assembly where our 60's colouring competition winners were awarded their prizes. 

Our KS1 pupils were also treated to a special Town Green birthday cake from one of our parents - thank you so much!

What an amazing week we have had!

Our 60th Celebration Prize Winners and Rainbow assembly

On Wednesday 22nd May 2024,  our celebrations continued when we invited past staff and governors back to Town Green for a coffee and cakes afternoon where staff were able to share their memories of Town Green.

Magnolia, Silver Birch and Ash and Elm class were fortunate to have visits from Mrs Anderson, Mrs Thornton and Mrs May who shared some pictures and talked about what it was like.

Thank you to everyone who came to make it so successful.
