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Welcome to Aughton Town Green Primary School Only My Best Is Good Enough For Me

Visits and Visitor Enrichment

Year 2 Dylan's Reptiles Visit - June 2024

Year 2 had an amazing day with a visit from Dylan's Reptiles which has linked with their Science this term. They all had the opportunity to hold and touch a range of reptiles and some even managed to hold the rather large snake. Another amazing opportunity for our pupils through our Enrichment at Town Green.

Year 6 Reward Visit to Blackpool Pleasure Beach

Year 6 had a fantastic day out at Blackpool Pleasure Beach as part of their Post SAT's reward trip. We were very fortunate with the weather and as usual, the pupils behaviour was exemplary. They all had a great day and are looking forward to the amazing Enrichment opportunities over the next half term. Well done Year 6!

Year 5 and Year 6 Planetarium Visit 2024

Year 5 and 6 had an amazing visit this week from the Travelling Planetarium to find out more about space, following on from their Science topic this term. 

The experience for the pupils was amazing, they thoroughly enjoyed it and the element of 'awe and wonder' was great. The children were so enthused and were talking about it for ages!

Year 2 Blue Planet Science Enrichment Visit - April 2024

Year 2 have had a fantastic visit to Blue Planet this week to find out all about plants and animals, linking to their Science Units this year.

Year 3 and 4 Lake District Geography Field Trip 2024

This week, we've had a very successful visit to Brockholes, on Lake Windermere where we conducted our Geography fieldwork as part of our Lake District study in Geography. During our journey, we were treated to a guided tour by the coach driver who was very knowledgable about the local area. We were able to compare maps, look at the features of the Lake and the surrounding areas as well as complete map work, safety packing and enjoy a tour of the grounds.


A fantastic day for both Year 3 and 4.

Year 2 RE visit to Christchurch church in Aughton - March 2024

Year 2 have had a fantastic afternoon at Aughton Christchurch Church learning all about a church linked to our RE unit on Christianity. Thank you to Jackie for making it so exciting and the brilliant activities that we were able to do.

Year 2 and Year 6 Fire Safety Enrichment Visit February 2024

We welcomed Lancashire Fire and Rescue service into school this week to talk to our Year 2 and 6 pupils about Fire Safety. We all learnt lots about the ways in which we can keep ourselves safe in the home and the importance of a safety plan. 

Wellbeing Week 2024 - Yogi Yoga session

We have had a fantastic two days with visitors from the Yogi group, with each class having their own session where they covered relaxation and mindfulness techniques. Such a great opportunity to improve wellbeing for staff and pupils.

Year 5 Science Visit to Edge Hill University

A fantastic visit today for our Year 5 pupils to Edge Hill University to take part in a STEM event, promoting Science. Our pupils took place in a range of activities and were able to access the fantastic facilities.

Jul 5th 2023

Keeping safe by the beach - Lifeguard visit and assembly June 10th 2022

We were delighted to welcome our visitors today who came to talk to us about keeping safe on the beach. We learnt lots about the tides, the importance of the flags and how to keep safe
