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Welcome to Aughton Town Green Primary School Only My Best Is Good Enough For Me

Ash & Elm -Reception

Current Reception Stay and Play dates 2023/ 2024.

Parents, Grandparents and younger siblings are all welcome to our Stay and Play sessions.


The next Stay and Play is on Monday 20th May 2.30 - 3.30pm

Then the following date:

Monday 15th July 2.30 - 3.30pm (This will be a picnic on the field)

Welcome to Reception


Our teachers are Mrs Earl, Mrs Parker, Mrs Eastham, Miss Carlton and Mrs Clarke. 


We are all very excited to begin our final term at Aughton Town Green and being in Reception means we have lots of fun and do lots of exciting activities. It will be another action packed term as our topics include learning all about animals growing, plants and Fairy Tales.


Take a look at some of the work we will be completing this term:


English - We do phonics everyday and this term we are not learning any new sounds but we will be using the sounds we know to read and write longer words. We will learn some more  'tricky' words and  use these words in our reading and writing. Everyday we share stories - these can be 'big books', books we have brought from home or books from our class library. We will begin to write lots of words and short sentences.


Maths - This term, we will learn about all about numbers, counting,  subitising and thinking about our number bonds in all the numbers to 10.  We will use all these skills in different activities around the classroom.


Important days to remember:


Reading - We will read in school 3 times each week. We will bring home 1 book for you to read to us and our school book will be accessed online. We will also bring home a shared, mostly decodable, book but we will  still need some help with this book as it may have sounds and tricky words in it that we haven't learnt yet. We bring home tricky words to learn each Monday. Please can you make sure you read with your child for 5 minutes each night and practice their tricky words.

We need to return our Shared reading book every MONDAY.

ASH class will change their Shared book on a TUESDAY.

ELM class will change their Shared book on a WEDNESDAY.


News Homework - Given out on a Friday and is to be returned by Monday. 


Maths Homework - Given out on a Friday and is to be returned by Wednesday. 



PE - MONDAY this term. (the children may come to school wearing their PE kits in school - Navy shorts/ joggers, red t-shirt and trainers.) 




Please remember to check the Class Dojo stories as we will post lots of pictures of activities we have been doing in school.




The Early Years Curriculum


Planning for our children's learning is based on the government publication 'Development Matters for the Early Years Foundation Stage'. This provides guidance on the stages of development (Unique Child), how children's learning can be supported by adults (Positive Relationships) and the activities and resources provided (Enabling Environments), both indoors and out.



All the children are assessed on entry (in September) to determine their individual starting points. This year a statutory Baseline has been introduced which will be completed within the first half term. All activities are practical and engaging for the children. Topics are then planned which take into account the stages of the children's development, their learning needs and their interests.


Assessment is ongoing through observations and planned tasks. Our children's progress and achievements are recorded using the Evidence Me app. At the end of the year the children's progress is assessed against the Early Learning Goals.


We have attached links to both the updated Development Matters document and the updated Early Learning Goals.



Early Learning Goals
