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Welcome to Aughton Town Green Primary School Only My Best Is Good Enough For Me

Star Assembly award winners 2024 - 2025

7th February


A huge superstar assembly today. 


We celebrating musicians, footballers, you've been spotted winners as well as our KS1 and KS2 certificate winners.

31st January


A brilliant end to January with a celebration of our superstar winners!

24th January


A fabulous superstar assembly this afternoon with lots of sporting and music achievements too!


Some of the year 5 benchball team were away at swimming but a huge congratulations to them too!

17th January


A fantastic Friday superstar assembly.

An extra photo this week of our dojo winners from last half term!

10th January


A brilliant first week back even though we've been stuck inside with the weather.


Congratulations to our superstar certificate winners and our You've Been Spotted wristband winner.

20th December


There's not a more fantastic way to end the term than our rainbow award assembly.

Teachers choose 1 child per year group to receive a certificate and a trophy for over the holidays. This is a child that has shown their teachers amazing work or improvement across the whole term not just for a week.

We also have our special achievement awards that span across the entire key stage, so winners of these have impressed multiple teaching staff.


As it is the end of a full term we award children in KS1 and KS2 that have shown great skill or achievement in sports, music and art.


In KS2 we have awarded bronze, silver, gold and even a couple of platinum times tables badges!

Well done to all who have been awarded today and a great Christmas break to everybody.

13th December


A huge well done to our superstar winners this week.


We've also got some children with music certificates from Mrs Scholes for work on piano and keyboard - well done for working hard!

6th December


Another fantastic superstar assembly this week!


We also celebrated the Y4s and choir who attended Ormskirk Sings at Ormskirk High School this week.

29th November


Another brilliant superstar assembly today!

Congratulations to our Reception, KS1, lower KS2 and upper KS2 children who were awarded today.

22nd November


A huge congratulations to our superstars this week!


We've also got a photo of our year 2 children who took part in an athletics competition. 

15th November 2024


A great Friday superstar assembly this week!

We've also got a photo of our girls football team who played in a tournament on Thurs evening.

11th October 2024


Check out this week's Superstars from KS1, Lower KS2 and Upper KS2!


We've also got some amazing KS2 children who completed a relay event on Tuesday evening this week.

3rd October 2024


An earlier superstar assembly due to Harvest tomorrow.


Check out this week's Superstars from KS1, Lower KS2 and Upper KS2!

27th September 2024


Check out this week's Superstars from KS1, Lower KS2 and Upper KS2!

20th September 2024


Check out this week's Superstars from KS1, Lower KS2 and Upper KS2!

We have had our first weekly superstar assembly!

Check out photo's of our KS1 and KS2 superstars from this week.

We've also had music superstars this week who have received guitar certificates.
