Oak Class - Year 5/6
Welcome to Class Oak
Welcome to Class Oak! Our teacher is Mr Gordon. Mrs Noble and Mrs Bolland will also be teaching and supporting us this year. We are so excited to be back at school!
Here is a summary of some of the work we will be completing in the Autumn Term:
Being in the Upper Juniors means we have certain responsibilities and we are expected to set an amazing example to the younger children. We will always put 100% into every piece of work we do and be excellent role models. We are always very busy in class and are looking forward to a new year at Aughton Town Green.
Take a look at some of the work we will be completing -
English - We will begin our first term by looking at The Highwayman by Alfred Noyes. We will conclude this unit of work by writing our own poem and even recording a poetry performance.
Maths - We will be starting this term with a look at Place Value. We will also be continuing to develop our arithmetic and reasoning skills.
Science - Our topic for this term will be 'Properties of Materials'.
Art- Our Art work this half term will focus on the works of Henry Moore and links to our WWII topic.
DT - We will design and create our own Anderson Shelters linked to our WWII topic.
Computing - This half term we will use and create our own databases.
Music - In music this term we will be learning the song ' Lean on Me'.
RE - We are learning all about Christianity, continuing to focus on our key question which is, 'Why is it difficult to do the right thing?'
PSHE - This term our topic is 'Changes' and 'Health and Wellbeing'.
History - Our focus is 'Evacuees' linked to our study of WWII.
Important days to remember:
Homework - Given out on Friday.
This will include:
Spelling (Spelling Shed)
Times Tables (TT Rockstars) tasks.
Reading for enjoyment (keeping reading record up to date)
A piece of creative homework which will link to a subject being covered. e.g. science, history. This will vary from week to week.
Homework is to be completed/handed in by Friday. Homework details can be found on the class Dojo page. You will also be able to view our spellings on the Class Dojo.
We will have our spelling test on Friday.
PE - Wednesday and Friday. Y5 and Y6 will come to school in PE kits with tracksuits and trainers on both PE days. We do not need to bring our uniform- we will stay in our kits all day.