Silver Birch Class - Year 2
Welcome to Silver Birch class.
Ms Sumner is our class teacher and Ms Andrews is our teaching assistant. Mrs Grace looks after us at lunchtime.
During our Autumn term we will be learning.....
English: The first text we will share is 'The Way Home for Little Wolf'. We will then move on to reading and writing about 'The Jolly Postman' and some traditional tales. We will also be writing poems and instructions later in the term.
Maths: We will continue to follow our Red Rose Maths Scheme and will be practising place value, addition, subtraction, measuring, time and shape.
Science: Our topic for the term is 'Humans' - how they grow, change and keep healthy.
Geography: We will be studying weather this term - measuring rainfall (that should keep us busy!!) and temperature as well as comparing the weather in different parts of the UK.
History: After half term we will learn about Florence Nightingale.
Art: This term we will be looking at the paintings of Chaissac and Picasso. We will then create our own masterpieces!
Design and Technology: We will design and make a new chair for Baby Bear.
Music: We will be following the Charanga Music scheme to continue learning about pitch and rhythm.
PSHE: We will discuss 'Mutual Respect' and 'Health and Wellbeing'.
RE: This term we will be learning about Christianity and will do a number of activities linked to Christmas.
Computing: During the first half term we will look at IT around us. After half term we will look at digital photography.
PE: Our PE days are Mondays and Thursdays. Remember to wear your PE kits to school on these days.
Please bring a pair of pumps, in a school PE bag, for use during Dance and Gymnastics sessions. These can be left in school.
Homework: This will be issued every Friday and needs to be returned to school by Wednesday.
Spellings: These will not be set until the Spring Term.
Things you need to bring to school everyday:
Reading book in a A4 wallet.
School bag (no rucksacks please as we are limited for space)
Water bottle.