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Welcome to Aughton Town Green Primary School Only My Best Is Good Enough For Me

Reception Enrichment

Learning about New life - Releasing our butterflies

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We have watched the butterflies change and we were so excited to see them be released into the Forest School, adding to the biodiversity of our wonderful environment.

Learning about new life - meet the ducklings!

We have been very fortunate to have several Duck eggs which we have incubated and the Reception pupils watched hatch. we have 4 beautiful ducklings which the children have been watching grown, learn and even swim! Parents, carers and siblings were invited into school to see them in action! what a wonderful experience for our pupils!

A visiting Bearded Dragon to Reception!

We have been really fortunate to have Callum and his mum bring in his bearded dragon for us to hold and find out more about this fantastic animal!

World Book Day 2024

We have had an amazing World Book Day this year. The children looked amazing dressed in their costumes, enjoyed Cosmic Yoga and loved sharing their stories with the Year 3 and 4 pupils.

Chinese New Year - sharing food and learning our dragon dance

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We have been learning all about the Chinese New Year. As part of our PE curriculum, we have been learning our own Dragon Dance!

Winter Fun in Reception

Breakfast with Santa Christmas 2023

Reception Christmas Performance 2023
