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Welcome to Aughton Town Green Primary School Only My Best Is Good Enough For Me

Magnolia Class - Year 2

Welcome to Magnolia class.


Miss Peake is our class teacher and Mrs Harden is our teaching assistant. Mrs Olverson works in our class each morning and Mrs Allinson looks after us at lunchtime. Mrs Houghton works in Magnolia Class each Thursday afternoon. 


During our Summer term we will be learning..... 


English: The first text we will share is 'The Wind in the Willows'. We will sequence and discuss the main events in the story and practise using adjectives and noun phrases to make our writing interesting. We will also begin to use adverbs in our work. We will then share some non fiction texts about animals and write our own explanations.
Maths:  We will continue to practise our place value and four operations. We will also learn about fractions of shapes, telling the time to 5 minute intervals and measuring.

Science: Our topic for the first half term is 'Habitats'. We will be considering a local woodland habitat and comparing it to an ocean habitat. Our trip to Blue Planet will be an excellent opportunity to study an ocean habitat and learn about the plants and animals that live there.


Geography: We will be studying towns and cities in and around the seaside. We will learn about similarities and differences between various parts of the coast around the UK. 


History: After half term we will learn about the history of gingerbread in Ormskirk.

Art: After half term we will study the work of Vincent Van Gogh and create our own watercolours.
Design and Technology: We will design and make a soft toy using our sewing skills.

Music: This term we will continue to play the descant recorder. We will learn lots of notes and practise some pieces of music which we will perform at the end of the term. We will also listen and respond to some pieces of music - The Firebird and Zootime.

PSHE:   We will discuss 'Mutual Respect' and 'Health and Wellbeing'.
RE: In the first half term we will study Hinduism and discuss how people express their devotion.
Computing: During the first half term we will complete a programming unit and create some quizzes. After half term we will collect data and produce pictograms.

 PE: Our PE days are Wednesdays and Thursdays. Remember to wear your PE kits to school on these days. On Wednesdays we will be doing athletics with Miss Peake and on Thursday we will be playing bench ball with Mrs Houghton. 

Please bring a pair of pumps, in a school PE bag, for use during Dance and Gymnastics sessions. These can be left in school. 
Homework: This will be issued every Friday and needs to be returned to school by Wednesday. 

Spellings: These will be set each Friday and tested the following Friday. These will be related to the words the children have been practising in their lessons. The words to be learnt will be sent home in the children's homework folder.


Things you need to bring to school everyday: 

  • Reading book in a A4 wallet. 

  • School bag (no rucksacks please as we are limited for space) 

  • Water bottle. 

  • Snack 


We look forward to an exciting term ahead and we will keep you updated by posting photos on dojo. Any questions or queries please don’t hesitate to contact us. 








