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Welcome to Aughton Town Green Primary School Only My Best Is Good Enough For Me

Year 5

Year 5 home learning


Welcome to the Year 5 learning at home page where you will find all of the resources you will need to complete your work for the week.


There is an English, maths and topic activity each day. A timetable will be uploaded at the start of each week so you know what to expect for the week ahead.


We will be hosting 3 zoom sessions each day (see time below) which will then be followed by a task for you to complete. If you can, try to join the zoom session about 10 minutes before so that we can get you all on for the start time. A member of staff will always be available to answer any questions you have. 


The Zoom meeting ID will be sent to parents through dojo.


Maths: 09:00 

English: 10:30

Topic: 13:30


We look forward to seeing you tomorrow at 09:00


Monday 1st March

Tuesday 2nd March


3rd March

Thursday 4th March

Friday 5th March




























Spelling /English



Reading, spelling frame and  TT Rockstars



10 Minutes on TTS


15 Minutes of independent reading (Keep a reading log)


10 Minutes on TTS


15 Minutes of independent reading (Keep a reading log)


10 Minutes Spelling Frame



10 Minutes on TTS


15 Minutes of independent reading (Keep a reading log)


10 Minutes Spelling Frame



10 Minutes on TTS


Rising Stars comprehension


10 Minutes Spelling Frame


10 Minutes on TTS


15 minutes of independent reading

(Keep a reading log)


10 Minutes Spelling Frame

















English Resource Friday 5th March

English Resources Thursday 4th March

World Book Day Resources Thursday, 4th March

History Resources Monday 1st March

English Resources Friday 26th February

PSHE Resources Thursday 24th Feb

English Resource Thursday 25th February

English Resources Wednesday 24th February

English Resources Tuesday 23rd February

English Resources Monday 22nd February

RE Resources Thursday 11th February

English Resources Wednesday 10th February

English Resources Tuesday 9th February

English Resources Monday 8th February

Art Resources Monday 8th February

Geography Resources Friday 5th February

RE Resources Thursday 4th February

English Resources Wednesday 3rd February

English Resources Monday 1st February

English Resources Friday 29th January

Geography Resources Friday 29th January

Maths Resources Thursday 28th January

English Resources Wednesday 27th January

PSHE Resources Tuesday 26th January

English Resources Monday 25th January

Maths Resources Friday 22nd January

English Resources Thursday 21st January

Maths Resources Tuesday 19th January

PSHE Resources Tuesday 19th January

English Resources Monday 18th January

Maths Resources Thursday 14th January

RE Resources 14th January

Maths Resources Wednesday 13th January

English Resources Wednesday 13th January

Maths Resources Tuesday 12th January

PSHE Resources Tuesday 12th January 2021

Maths Resources Monday 11th January 2021

English Resources Monday 11th January

On Wednesday, 6th January, please only complete page 1 of the PDF worksheet (the fluency section).  We will look at how to answer the rest of the questions in Thursday's lesson.  