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Welcome to Aughton Town Green Primary School Only My Best Is Good Enough For Me

Juniper Class - Year 6

smiley Welcome to Class Juniper smiley


Welcome to Class Juniper! Our teacher is Miss Jones.  


Our final term at Aughton Town Green is upon us!  We have lots of exciting things to look forward to:  Sports Day, Blackpool, Min-y-Don and our school production!  This is as well as transition days to high school and our school's 60th birthday celebrations!  


Here is a summary of some of the work we will be completing in the summer term: 



We are currently reading 'The Nowhere Emporium'.  We have used drama, class reading and short writing opportunities to explore the text.  We will be writing our own stories based on the plot of the book.  We are revising our grammar skills ready for our SPAG test.  


Reading is very important to us and we will read every day.  Our class novel is 'The Last Bear' and we will read a variety of texts in our guided reading sessions.  



  This term, we are looking at geometry, measurement and fun problem solving tasks as well as revising our arithmetic strategies.  



We will be studying Mountains this term.  


Science: Our topic for this half term is 'Evolution and Inheritance'.  


Music: Our Music topic is Jazz.



Our PE lessons will be on Wednesdays and Thursdays


We will come to school in our PE kits with trainers on these days.  We do not need to bring our uniform- we will stay in our kits all day.  On Thursdays we will need pumps for gymnastics in the hall.


Our important things to remember:


On Wednesdays, we will be given our Maths homework based on our arithmetic focus.  This is due in the following Wednesday.

On Fridays we will be given a SPAG task which is due in on the following Friday.  


Maths- TT Rockstars each week. 

English- Spelling Shed spelling practice.


We will also have an independent reading- we need to record what we are currently reading in our Reading records.  There is a reward of extra break time if we do this.  





